Last Pay Check

  1. We had a flat tire on our way home from ASI and our flat happened near some people who had just the right tools to help us. The car we were driving didn't have the right tools and we would have been in some real trouble. God is in the business of working miracles. 
  2. The other day little b and Boaz were working on getting a chain down from the zip line at LaRae's parents home. Boaz was trying to encourage little b to work hard to knock down the chain, finally he was able to get it to move. Sadly it moved too fast and fell down hitting him in his side and near his right eye. Thankfully he wasn't seriously hurt, it could have been much worse. 
  3. We have been helping LaRae's parents on their home since before we were even engaged. This time around we are helping them sort through some of their things. One day as we were going through things in the shed we had everything outside and the clouds came in and the thunder was booming in the distance. We had a quick prayer and God held back the showers for us to get everything in side in time. Then he held them back so Boaz could cut down a few dead trees for firewood for the winter and then we all had a nice bonfire to celebrate Boaz's 37th birthday. God is good.

  1. Praying for wisdom on when we should leave for Senegal. We have several options and not sure exactly the right timing. We need some serious guidance from Above. 
  2. At the writing of this blog post we don't have our shipment yet from Lebanon. Praying that it will come at the right time and that we will have wisdom on what to store, sell and take with us to Senegal. 
  3. We are looking at ways to put food on the table in Senegal. One way is to teach English as a second language a few days a week. We really could use some wisdom in finding the right course to take so that we can provide quality education. 
