Moved in to our new house!


  1. We are blessed to finally have our own place to live. Since arriving in Senegal we stayed with some of our friends who have been very patient with us and our noise. :) We have a small villa, that will one day be turned into an apartment building, but for now it is just a one story house. The landlord has said we can add on some rooms on the roof that would provide a larger kitchen and extra storage and guest room space and to pay for it would go into our rent. A great opportunity after we've worked a bit more to have the up front rent money. 
  2. Boaz was sick for a few days, but now he is better and back into the fray. When he overworks his body has a tendency to shut down for a few days. Grateful for health for the whole family. 
  3. In moving to Senegal we decided to learn more about reliance on God. After reading some books on George Mueller and his work in Bristol, England we were impressed to put God to the test by praying for funds for our project and not to ask for funds. We have been so blessed by the generosity of friends and family who have sacrificially given to help us in our transition. We have all kinds of dreams for the future and look forward to seeing how God will help us realize these dreams. 
  4. Praia
  5. LaRae found a Canary Mastiff on Facebook that was looking for a new home. It's owner was moving and couldn't keep the dog in her new apartment. Praia (beach in Portuguese) has become a much loved member of our family. She is five years old and is doing an excellent job of being a guardian as well as helping us to get more exercise. When we take her to the beach near our new house she attacks the waves and body serfs like a pro. 
  6. Some of you have helped us sponsor Jospeh Coly and his family to go to school in Cosendai University in Cameroon so that Jospeh could be come a pastor. They just recently returned to Senegal to start their ministry for the Senegal/Mauritania Mission. We are grateful for all the help that has been given to help this family finish their studies. 

Prayer Requests:

  1. Adoption is a difficult thing, now that we have been reunited for the last few months things are starting to settle in and we see areas that we need to work on. Our characters are being developed, middle L has some areas of work as well. She has gone through a lot in the last few years and she has been acting out in various ways. This has caused a lot of tension in the family. Please pray for patience for all of us, wisdom as we deal with behavioral problems, and understanding to follow God's path. 
  2. Please pray with us as we try to use our new home as a positive influence in our neighborhood. We are praying and talking with local friends to see how we can be the most effective in our ministry. Please pray that we will have God's ideas. 
  3. We would like to teach classes in our home, please pray that we will be able to choose the right equipment and that we would be a blessing to the students. Our hope is that we can buy equipment that can be use for many different projects: Health expos, evangelism, English classes, etc.
  4. LaRae has been visiting a friend with cancer, her name is Tia and could use prayer for her health and outlook on life. Please pray that LaRae would be a positive example and that she would have the right words to use as she works with Tia. 
  5. In order to provide funds to live on we have started to tutor some kids and also will be doing some substitute teaching. Please pray that we will be a positive influence and that we will be able to make enough to make ends meet. 
