Testimony and Prayer - #1

Trust in the Lord with all thine heart;
and lean not unto thine own understanding.
In all thy ways acknowledge him,
and he shall direct thy paths.
Proverbs 3:5-6

Testimonies of praise of how God is working and a few prayer requests:
  1. A few weeks ago Boaz happened to drive by where we lived when we first arrived in Dakar and saw a guardian friend of ours. They exchanged phone numbers and a few days later our friend Pierre sent Boaz a text stating that he had had a dream about his need to study the Bible. To give some background on Pierre; we had given him some Storacle lessons from Amazing Facts as well as a complete Bible in French. It was pretty cool walking by on our various errands and see Pierre reading his Bible with a smile on his face. When Boaz stopped in to see Pierre, after his text about his dream, they had a wonderful discussion covering how important it is for us to individually study the Bible and not let others do our thinking for us. We hope to stop in to see Pierre more regularly and also ask for your prayers that as He reads his Bible and does the lessons that he will come close to his Savior. 
  2. LaRae has had problems with boils caused by staph infections. When we lived in Senegal the first time she had two serious bouts with boils on her legs that left her out of commission for good periods of time. While in Lebanon, LaRae saw some specialist and was able to get some advice on how to control staph infections from starting. Recently a boil started to form on her arm that ended up being a pretty serious boil similar to the ones she had on her legs. This time around she knew better how to treat it. But to us, the most miraculous thing about this experience was that after we prayed over the boil that it would come to a head so she could get the infection out, within a day we had an answer to our prayers. She is now boil free and we thank God for how He answers prayers. 
  3. We have had trouble with our truck on and off since we bought it. Though discouraging we are seeing that having vehicle problems is a common thing here in Senegal for most people. The most recent problem happened on a Wednesday. LaRae takes the kids to a kids Bible club at the local evangelical school each Wednesday. Getting to the school and back is a challenge with traffic snarls and frustrations on the road. She and the kids made it to the meeting and back in one piece, it was only when we were parking that the engine stopped. We later learned that there was a problem with our oil pump and engine. This experience showed us the power of prayer and God's hand as the truck could have stopped at any point and caused us a lot more trouble. 
  4. Boaz goes downtown from time to time to buy supplies or to check on prices for items he is
    The karaoke speaker
    needing for upcoming projects. One thing that he has wanted is a karaoke speaker and microphone to be used for outreach etc. He found a really nice LG speaker in one of the large LG stores. Each time he was downtown or near another LG store, he would ask the sales clerks if could buy the speaker or how much it was. Each time he was told the same answer, it is just a model and not for sale. A few weeks ago Boaz through the help of a friend found another one and bought it. Since buying the speaker we have been using it as a PA system for our church. Our church does not have electricity so with it's 14h battery life it has come in pretty handy. God is good in how He works things out in His timing. 
  5. We have been working as tutors and substitute teachers over the past year. It has been amazing to see how God has brought us work just when we needed the work the most. It hasn't always been easy as when we are not substitute teaching we spend our time trying to get things for the projects we hope to do etc. But as we step back we can see that everything has been working in God's timing. As we have been working in the various classrooms we are making friends with the students and other teachers. Though we cannot openly witness we pray for chances to plant seeds and encourage them. Boaz is working with a 4th-grade boy who comes from a divorced family. He has told Boaz that he wishes that Boaz could be his father. Not easy to hear things like this, but grateful for the chance to impact a life. Two of the students have started to come to our home, which has been nice in that our kids get to play with them and they get to see our style of life. Please pray with us that we will be a positive influence. 
